05 September, 2006

Stain removal

Here's a handy tip for all you do it yourselfers! Every time you spill some of your double mocha latte on your sweater, just cut out a small square from a clean spot, and sew it over your stain. Voila!


At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...someone has been stealing ideas from Issey Miyake again. This thing is too oversized. But I don't exactly hate it. I think it would be better in a wool felt than knitted. Or, at least, in something other than boring WHITE FUZZ. Your stain removal idea reminds me of the afgan my mother made for me out of leftover yarn. Our cat used to EAT holes in it! Every time she chewed a hole, the afgan would get a patch. It didn't take long before there were more patches than yarn on that thing. That cat would later consume an entire sweater. That cat would come in handy for a lot of fuggly stuff on this site!

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL... love the explanation for the holes/patches, Rebekah.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Diane said...

This is what happens when you misread the directions for steeking. "CRAP! I was supose to knit everything in one piece and cut for the armholes? Well too late now. I'll just make it look like I wanted to do it this way."

At 6:18 PM, Blogger TrampledbyGeese said...

Wow, that looks so very wrong.


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