Halloween present!
I don't know that this is a knittrocity. I suppose it would be if you wore it regularly, and walked around town with a plastic lightsaber casually slung at your hip. And if you paused in front of doors, thinking your Jedi mind could open them. But for Halloween, it's terrific. There's a free pattern at http://bleuarts.blogspot.com
this is the sort of thing i'm sure she'd turn the automatic rifle on ala blues brothers...
If you don't do a gauge swatch, you could have a cover for your Segway.
This actually looks more like a twisted form of spiral deformity ala "Uzumaki" - it really has a lot more All Hallows' possibilities then just a certain snotty galactic princess...
Snail Goddess, prehaps?
NO! No one must show images of the Snail Goddess! If you do, you are doomed forever to walk this earth in a white sheath and wooly headdress, your ears forever itching and burning -- eternal punishment for your idolatrous ways. Blasphemy!
I love it. Thanks for sharing the source. Who doesn't need one of these at the end of next month?
Is there one available with horns? I need one with horns, otherwise it won't fit my head.
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